At KKIVI, we are committed to supporting secondary schools and their students, teachers and headmasters in Královéhradecký region. Our goal is to offer high-quality education and skills development programmes, foster collaboration, share experiences and information, connect schools with businesses and nonprofit sectors, participate in international and local programs and projects, and highlight their achievements and ideas. We are an executive agency founded and managed by Hradec Králové self-governing region.
KKIVI serves as the coordinator for the Erasmus+ Vocational Education & Training Consortium. Our accreditation in vocational education is valid until 2027. As part of our mission, we facilitate foreign internships for students and teachers from schools within the consortium. Additionally, we offer internships to foreign students and job shadowing opportunities for teachers at partner schools.
About the Schools in the Consortium:
We assist schools in participating in educational mobility programs under Erasmus+. This includes student and teacher exchanges, company visits, and shadowing foreign educators.
Our approach is tailored to each school’s profile and portfolio.
We strengthen long-term cooperation between schools. By working together on joint projects, we facilitate the transfer of best practices and educational innovations from abroad to local schools.
We promote educational mobility beyond formal classroom settings. This includes extracurricular activities (such as clubs) and sports (school sports clubs).
We leverage opportunities provided by programs like the European Solidarity Corps.
We offer utilization of other funding tools, such as the EEA/Norway Grants, International Visegrad Fund, and Interreg CZ-PL and CZ-DE programs.
If the school has specific focus areas and priorities, we can identify suitable partner schools abroad and facilitate collaboration.
We provide information to our students about post-graduation study options abroad.
Interested in possible cooperation with schools/teachers from our region, hosting students and teachers from these schools or arranging international placements for your own students and teachers in our partner schools? Do not hesitate to reach out!
Tailor-made education programmes for further development of teachers, school headmasters and general public in areas of both specific school subjects and management, self-development & communication skills.
Webinars, online study programmes and consultations
Facilitating connections with authorities, partners, and businesses.
Identifying and recommending specific project and grant opportunities.
Providing consultation and support for preparing applications to education-supporting programs, school development, and teaching innovation.
Arranging on-site visits and consultations directly at schools.
Organizing seminars, webinars, and conferences on current topics.
Addressing inquiries, offer advice, and provide assistance
Managing principal regional website dedicated to schools and education (www.skolstvikhk.cz).
Sharinh and disseminating information and updates from schools, including news, student achievements, participation in international programs, new projects, and innovative ideas.
Featuring schools and education news in regular KKIVI newsletter, inform our community of subscribers about school-related updates, interesting project opportunities, analyses, and international surveys. Engaging students through media mini-teams, providing training and collaboration opportunities .
Under the “Pokkec“ brand (www.skolstvikhk.cz/pokkec) producing livestream motivational online discussions for schools, featuring inspiring personalities.
Connecting visionaries, leaders, and public influencers to inspire students in their academic and professional journeys
Collaborating with schools to create customized broadcasts involving local personalities and students
Providing organizational support for sharing best practices and innovative teaching methods Supporting joint working groups of teachers and school principals on various topics, aiming to enhance the quality and innovation of education (e.g., new skills, challenges, artificial intelligence, subject inspiration)
© KKIVI, všechna práva vyhrazena.
Organizace zřizovaná Královéhradeckým krajem
Datová schránka: smtpech
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